Berlin Brandenburg Gate 1989
1989-2019 - Fall of the German Wall
Original telephone card issue (1992-93).
Edition of only 5000 pieces.
Nine German phone cards are revealing the motive of the wall opening on Brandenburg Gate in Berlin in November 1989.

Phone Card Puzzle
The phone card set "The Brandenburg Gate, 1989" is considered as the first real puzzle issue of Germany ( 'Puzzle' = different telephone cards layed together into one motive).
Included in delivery: A mount (outside format = DIN A4) from a punched out white cardboard to suitable insertion of the telephone cards, e.g., for a frame.
The front of the series with phone chip
 The opposite side (also a puzzle): The first German postage stamp with the Brandenburg Gate: German Reich of 1930, 'Nothilfe' (emergency aid) issue 'Berlin', 15 + 5 Pfennig (published in "IPOSTA" miniatur sheet on 9/12/1930, Michel number 447 and in sheets on 1/11/1930, Michel number 451).
More information about this issue, visit the website (in German language):
Authenticity Guarantee
The telephone cards are in perfect, new condition !!!
All phone cards are 'mint’ ! The telephone units of 6.00 DM (German Mark) per card are stored completely !
Because the telephone cards have appeared at temporal intervals, colour variations are arising between the single cards. Also within one card edition colour variations on both sides are to be recognised.
The total circulation is 5,000 (five thousand) pieces per card, that means 5,000 puzzles.
To the phone card puzzle is supplied with a certificate of authenticity !
The edition number of 5,000 pieces is documented on every card by a confirmation note. Furthermore every card has on the back right above an impressed running number.
Unusually for the phone cards from this period: front and back are advertising-free!
For Phone Card Specialists:
Telephone card issue of the series "O" (= without distribution about the German post).
The numbers and dates of the nine cards: O-120 (06/92), O-195 (08/92), O-210 (09/92), O-249 (09/92), O-294 (11/92), O-347 (11/92), O-409 (12/92), O-448 (01/93) and O-489 (02/93).